Physician, Researcher, Author
Ian Shine, M.D.
Dr. Ian Shine is a British-born gentleman who reminds us of the beauty of simply caring about others through his clinical work, his research, and his books and publications. Dr. Shine's career has spanned decades, and throughout, he has remained professionally autonomous and beholden to no institution. As a result, his intellectual curiosity has flourished, his knowledge of human medicine has become broad, and he has formed countless interactions and friendships with world-renowned individuals.
A Doctor for the People:
Dr. Ian Shine
Wirebird, The Journal of the Friends of St. Helena
Published in September, 2017, read the latest article about Dr. Ian Shine, a tribute to the impact he has had on the people of the remote island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic.
"He stayed a relatively short time, but within that period made a profound impact on the lives of the inhabitants. His unstinting sense of duty and utterly classless approach to all residents brought huge respect from his patients..."
Colin Fox, Editor of the Wirebird
Dr. Shine studied medicine and was trained at Cambridge University. He is a broad-thinking general practitioner, a pioneer in the field of genetics, and has years of specialization in hematology.
Dr. Shine has worked for decades to compile and analyze data from his patients and public data sets in order to improve human health through medicine. Most recently, Dr. Shine has dedicated his attention to compiling patents in the development of novel blood-based cell diagnostics.
Dr. Shine has authored numerous books and articles spanning decades on a wide variety of topics.
Ian Shine,
Dr. Shine was formally educated at Cambridge University receiving his bachelor's degree, master's degree and medical degree. As an officer in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Dr. Shine served two years as a medical officer on the island of St. Helena. This time on the remote island in the South Atlantic exposed him to a plethora of rare and interesting diseases and helped shape the path of his career. He later focused on hematology and worked extensively in the emerging field of genetics at Oxford and Reading, England, as well as University of Kentucky and Albert Einstein Medical Schools.
Ian Shine,
In addition to caring for patients for years, Dr. Shine's research has lead him around the world including the Medical Research Council in Oxford, England, the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, through the Appalachian Mountains, and to Interlaken, Switzerland, to name a few. He has held positions at Coulter, the Royal Societies High Energy Research Lab, and the Wellcome Lab. He was a lecturer at Johns Hopkins Medical School and Director of Thomas Hunt Morgan Genetics Institute in Lexington, KY. As noted in McKusick’s Catalogue of Human Genetic Diseases, Dr. Shine has discovered many diseases. Most recently, Dr. Shine has co-founded AAFI, Ltd., a cell diagnostics company located in Cambridge, MA. AAFI seeks to proliferate Dr. Shine's research in hematology in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of blood-based diseases. Dr. Shine is inventor or co-inventor on 12 issued US patents, as well as dozens of issued worldwide patents.
Dr. Shine's Books
Serendipity In St Helena: a Genetical Study of an Isolated Community, Ian Shine, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1970.
Cardiomyopathies: Genetics of Cardiomyopathies, Ian Shine, Ralph Shabbetai, Publisher, 1974.
Thomas Hunt Morgan: Pioneer of Genetics, Ian Shine & Sylvia Wrobel, University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, 1980.
Hidden Letters, Deborah Slier and Ian Shine, Star Bright Books, New York, 2008.
The Discovery and Significance of the Blood Groups, Marion Reid and Ian Shine, SBB Books, Cambridge, 2012. www.bloodgroups.info
Upon This Rock, Ian Shine, Manuscript in progress.
Medical Data of St. Helena, Manuscript in progress.
Dr. Shine's Articles
Phenylindanedione Sensitivity, John Bingle & Ian Shine, Lancet, 1, 883, 1958.
St. Helenian Cellulitis, Ian Shine, British Journal of Dermatology, 76, 8-9, 357 1964.
Hallux Valgus, Ian Shine, British Medical Journal, 1, 1648, 1965.
Turner's Syndrome in Monozygotic Twins, Ian Shine and G. Corney, Journal of Medical Genetics, 77, 3, 2, 124, 1966.
The Influence of Nature and Nurture on Disease, Ian Shine, MD Thesis. Cambridge University 1966.
Carcinoma of the Oesophagus with Tylosis (Hyperkeratosis palmaris et Plantaris), Ian Shine and P. R. Allison, Lancet, 1, 951, 1966.
Hidden Superstitions as a Barrier Between Doctor and Patient. Ian Shine, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Autumn, 13, 1, 63, 1969.
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia, M. C. Murphy, Ian Shine, and D. B. Stevens, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 1971.
Quantification of Iris Translucency in Albinism, J. D. Wirtschafter, G. T. Denslow, and Ian Shine, Archives of Ophthalmology, 90, 4, 274, 1973.
Down's Syndrome, David Levine and Ian Shine, Letter Journal of American Medical Association, 224,13, 1762, 1973.
Perforating Injuries of the Eye, R. L. Offutt and Ian Shine, Annals of Ophthalmology, 6, 4, 357, 1974.
Beta-globin Chain Mutants as Genocopies of Alpha-thalassemia, Ian Shine, Proceedings: Fifth International Conference of Birth Defects Excerpta Medica,426, 1977.
A New Strategy to Detect Beta-Thalassaemia Minor, Ian Shine and S. Lal, Lancet, 1, 692,1977.
Non-random Distribution of Genotypes Among Red Cells, Ian Shine, Blood Cells, 15, 3, 475, 1989.
Dr. Shine's Background
B.A. Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
M.B., B. Chir.Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
M.A.Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
M.D.Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Cambridge University, Cambridge, England 1951-1954
University College Hospital Medical School, London University 1954-1957
Medical Research Council Genetics Research Unit, Oxford, England 1962-1966
Department of Genetics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 1966-1968
Captain, Army Medical Rehabilitation Unit, Royal Army Medical Corps, Chester, England
Medical Officer, Colonial Service, Island of St. Helena
Scientific Officer, Medical Research Council Genetics Research Unit, Oxford, England
Consultant, Human Genetics, Reading Hospital, Reading, England
Assistant Professor, Human Genetics, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY
Lecturer, Human Genetics, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD
Director, Thomas Hunt Morgan Institute of Genetics, Lexington, KY
Consultant, Division of Applied Research, Coulter Electronic, Hialeah, FL
Visiting Scientist, Royal Societies High Energy Research Laboratory, Jungfraujoch, Interlaken, Switzerland
Visiting Scientist, The Wellcome Laboratory of Comparative Physiology, London, England
Visiting Scientist, Division of Hematology, Albert Einstein Medical School, New York, NY
Visiting Scientist, Division of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein Medical School, New York, NY
President and co-founder, AAFI, Ltd., Cambridge, MA
Contact Dr. Shine
Dr. Shine is available for lectures, speaking engagements, to collaborate or advise on medical research, or to share copies of his original medical documents, many of which have been painstakingly maintained for decades.
To order any of Dr. Shine's books, or to discuss potential engagements or collaborations, please contact his associate, Maryanne O'Donnell, Ph.D. via email, mjodonnell@aafi.co.